How can I combine these two statements into one formula?
How can I combine these two statements into one formula?
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This works for all conditions except B24=0 and C24=10 -- expect -5
Try this one.
Notice my main language is not English.
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(replied to another post -- sorry)
Hi wolfgang and welcome to the forum
Im sorry, but the logic of what you are trying to do, escapes me. just for now, lets ignore the B24=1 part, its the same in both
the 1st formula you test for C24=10 - if true, return C24
the 2nd formula you test for C24=-10 - if true, return C24
so, so far you are returning the same value for a true in both.
now to the 2nd part of each forumla...
1st formula...if C24 is not 10 then give -5
2nd formula...if C24 is not -10 then give ""
so my question is, if C24 is, say, 7...what result would you expect?
based on the 1st formula, C24 is not = 10, so the answer would be -5
but based on the 2nd formula, C24 is not = -10 so the answer would be ""
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Hope this is clearer:
Condition , Result if true , Else
B24=1 and C24= 10 , D24= 10 , -5 (i.e., for any B24 <> 1 -- e.g., B24=0)
B24=1 and C24= -10 , D24= -10 , "" (i.e., for any B24 <> 1 -- e.g., B24=0)
Last edited by wolfgang713; 01-14-2013 at 05:39 PM.
Hope this is clearer:
Condition Result if true Else
B24=1 and C24= 10 D24= 10 -5 (i.e., for any B24 <> 1 -- e.g., B24=0)
B24=1 and C24= -10 D24= -10 "" (i.e., for any B24 <> 1 -- e.g., B24=0)
oeldere: Thanks. This works for all conditions except B24=0 and C24=10 -- expect -5
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This works perfectly. Thanks.
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