Hi There
Thank you in advance for any assitance you may be able to provide.
I am currently creating a spreadsheet, where staff members in my organisation can enter information (relating to a Payment Plan for customers) into the relevant fields. I am then creating a letter template (to send confirmation of plan to customer) on another sheet, where by using formulas I pull through the information from the original sheet to populate the fields on the letter.
I have encountered a problem when creating the formula for the address lines on the letter. Sometimes all four address lines will be used, but sometimes staff may only use 2 or 3 of these lines.
When using a formula to draw the information from the first sheet to the letter template, I find that if there is no information entered into one of the cells on the original sheet, it populates the cell on the letter template with '0'.
I would like to use a formula which basically checks if there is information in each cell, and if there isn't any information leave it blank instead of '0'.
So in hazarding a guess, something along the lines of:
=IF('Plan Details'C30=0;"";'Plan Details'C30)
However I feel I am miles off track with the above, so if anyone could please shed any light on how I may go about this I would really really appreciate your input.