Hi there, I have searched for hours on this forum in hopes of finding an answer, and now, I feel the burn in my brain and eyes....
What I need to do is take this data from the format below and have it become what I listed underneath the line.
I have been at this for hours and am hopeful someone out there will end my nightmare
So I can get this completed and move on to my other deadlines -- TIA!!!
Trans Type. Date Memo Reference Amount
Doe, Carol (1111)
Deposit 12/3/2012 Deposit 120112 1,389.00
Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Disburse - check 1319 (1,353.60)
Jones, Michael T (1113)
Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Deposit 120112 (576.00)
Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Disburse - check 1319 (546.00)
Data comes across as above-this is what it needs to be:
Doe, Carol (1111)
Doe, Carol (1111) Deposit Deposit 12/3/2012 Deposit 1111111 1,389.00
Doe, Carol (1111) Withdrawl Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Disburse - check 1111111 (1,353.60)
Jones, Michael T (1113)
Jones, Michael T (1113) Withdrawl Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Deposit 1111111 (576.00)
Jones, Micheal T (1113) Withdrawl Withdrawal 12/3/2012 Disburse - check 1111111 (546.00)
Hello, Jeanette (2222) Discharge: 00/00/00
Hello, Jeanette (2222) Deposit Deposit 12/21/2012 Deposit 11111 26.00
Hello, Jeanette (2222) Deposit Deposit 12/21/2012 Deposit - Other 11111 83.88
Hello, Jeanette (2222) Deposit Deposit 12/21/2012 Deposit - Other 111 1,965.11
Hello, Jeanette (2222) Withdrawl Withdrawal 12/4/2012 Disburse - check 22222 5.00
In between these two lines is what I need it to be
in order to sort them out
by deposit and then by withdrawl
However, I need their name to match it up
with the other part of the process I need
to do
I have looked on here for hours and could not find anything to even get me started on the right path....
Big THANK YOU in ADVANCE for any assistance to end this nightmare for me!!!
Thanks to both of you-both worked great!! Thanks and Thanks!