Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this post,
I am using the following formula:
=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(E2, HN2:NU2,0)),"",INDEX($HN$1:$NU$1, MATCH(E2, HN2:NU2,0)))
The formula:
(1) finds the matching instance of the value within one cell (E2) within array 1 (HN2:NU2)
(2) returns the corresponding value of a cell from array 2 ($HN$1:$NU$1) whose location matches
The problem with my formula:
If array 1 (HN2:NU2) contains multiple instances of the same value that I am trying to match (E2), then my output for array 2 ($HN$1:$NU$1) will only corresponds with the first instance of this value
My question:
Is it possible to output any other values from array 2 ($HN$1:$NU$1) that correspond to the matches between the original cell value (E2) and array 1 (HN2:NU2)?
Please let me know if I should clarify this further.
Thank you so much