ESR log Draft.xlsx
I have a due date column that is populated and then there are classes that determine if the project is past the due date.
The classes are A - 1 to 3 days B - 4 to 8 days C - Over 8 days...This is a time frame when the project must be complete...
Each project is logged in with a date submitted and by the operator determining the class they also select A, B, or C then fill in the proper due date. When i open the log i want to see by red, yellow, or green if the project is late, on schedule, or late based on my todays date formula in cell A1.
how do i make the time perimeters speak to the date submitted and todays date to get the color coding? I am struggling to figure it out.
Example of my sheet
Date Submitted Date Due Project class
12/3/2012 12/6/2012 A