Can a substitute formula be nested into the concatenate formula?
Can a substitute formula be nested into the concatenate formula?
Maybe...Can you describe what you want to do?
I can try. I am putting manufacturer name and a part number together but I am stripping out the dash in the MFR number so BBRA and 99-338 would be BBRA99-338 and I need it to be BBRA99338. I am making a template that uses a vlookup on a database. by creating the no dash concatenated version of the number, it keeps me from pulling back the wrong item number. I hope that makes sence.
B1: 99-338
This regular formula concatenates A1 and B1 and removes the dash
C1: =SUBSTITUTE(A1&B1,"-","")
Does that help?
OH YES IT DID!!! just had a little celebration in my cube. Thanks for the help
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