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How to avoid circular reference

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  1. #1
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    How to avoid circular reference

    Happy new year! Guys, maybe you could help me with the following.

    For school I'm looking for a formula to be able to avoid a circular reference. Let me explain further:
    I want to determine a sales price in a formula, with a variable which is called 'profit' in %. I have a certain amount of costs and over that there should be a profit % and that will result in a sales price. All cool so far, but in the total amount of the costs is a commission which is determined as a % of the salesprice, that's where the circular reference comes from. I heard some things about a goal seek but I'm not sure if this works for me, does anyone have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,
    Christian Hoedeman

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor dogberry's Avatar
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference


    Can you post a sample worksheet so we can see the layout etc dont post confidental information
    it will also get you a much better response.

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    Click my star if I helped Thanks

  3. #3
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your fast response, I've uploaded a file with this message, I hope it works
    As you can see there are all kinds of costs calculated to result in a total which name is 'Direct Order cost'. Included in 'Direct Order cost' is also a 'Commission' for an agent or RE = Regional Entity, which is calculated as a % from the 'Net Sales whole'. 'Net sales whole' = 'Net Sales NL' + 'RE Discount' and 'Net Sales NL' = the 'Direct Order cost' / 100% minus 'Gross Profit Margin'. I hope I didn't make this too complicated now .
    The general question is, is there any formula that can hold in the cell at 'Net Sales NL' (AE) which calculates the sales taking consideration of the margin over the direct order costs and the commission which is calculated over the sales whole?

    Thanks in advance!

    PS: the columns concerning are marked orange
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert Kevin UK's Avatar
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    Hi CHoedeman

    Have a look at the link below, regarding circular reference.

    Regards Kevin

    Merged Cells (They are the work of the devil!!!)

  5. #5
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference


    I can do this, when I make some kind of mark up over the 'Production Cost' and then do the function goalseek to see what % mark up I need to realize a certain percentage of Gross Profit. But ofcourse I wan't to make this worksheet simple to use as it's not only used by me, is there any way to get a marco or formula running that makes the goal seek automatic?

    This would really help alot!

    Thanks already!

    Best regards,

  6. #6
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    This is one of those questions where I think we need to step out of Excel and solve it algebraically. Once we see the algebraic solution, then it will become apparent how best to put it into Excel.

    I haven't been through you spreadsheet thoroughly, and, being a mathematician/engineer, the way financial people do algebra sometimes surprises me. I expect the basic algebra will look something like this - SP=[CM+sum(OT)]/(1-R2) where SP is sales price, CM is commission, OT is other costs, and R2 is profit margin. CM=R1*SP where R1 is the commission rate. Substitute for CM -- SP=[R1*SP+sum(OT)]/(1-R2). then rearrange to solve for SP -- SP=sum(OT)/(1-R2-R1). As I noted, I haven't been through all the details, as you sometimes refer to Net Sale NL, others Net Sale Whole, and also refer to Gross sales. The final formula is probably going to require you to work out the algebraic relationship between the three sale prices. Once you work out the algebra, I expect you will come up with some formula where Net Sale NL=sum(OT)/f(R1,R2,other markup/markdown rates). Once you have one of the three sales prices, you can work out the other two using the relationships you came up with.
    Quote Originally Posted by shg
    Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

  7. #7
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    Good morning guys,

    I think I have found a way to bypass the circular reference by putting a mark up on the part of the costs which doesnt include the commission. Then this way I can change the mark up with goal-seek to set it to a certain value to create a certain ammount of Gross Profit. I want to have this as a 'button' or macro, I have now made this:

    Sub calculeer2()
    ' calculeer2 Macro
    ' Macro recorded 1/3/2013 by hoede00c

    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "35%"
    Range("D10").GoalSeek Goal:=0.35, ChangingCell:=Range("C10")
    End Sub

    As you can see it uses 35%, but I want to make this 35% into a cell, is this possible? Maybe with some extra way by copying the content of a certain cell and pasting it into the goalseek formula... :-)

    Thanks in advance!

    Best regards,

  8. #8
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    MrShorty, Thanks for your response, an algebraic solution might be possible but will be very difficult. Let me explain further:
    Let's say we have:
    A total cost (without commissions)
    B commissions (% over Net Sales Company (whole))
    C total cost (with commission %)
    D grossprofit (%)
    E Net sales NL
    F RE Discount
    G Net sales Company (whole)
    H GFA Discount
    I Gross Sales

    total cost (with commission %)
    + grossprofit % over total cost (with commission %) (="total cost (with commission %)"/(1 - grossprofit %)
    = Net sales NL
    + RE Discount % over Gross Sales
    = Net Sales Company (whole)
    + GFA Discount % over Gross Sales (this is a discount for a particular client)
    Gross Sales

    The value's which are known are the total cost (without commissions) and all the percentages mentioned. How would I make a formula going from these "total cost (without commissions)" towards the Gross Sales? Looks like an algebraic challenge

  9. #9
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    Re: How to avoid circular reference

    SOLVED! Thanks for all the help guys!

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