Good morning guys,
I think I have found a way to bypass the circular reference by putting a mark up on the part of the costs which doesnt include the commission. Then this way I can change the mark up with goal-seek to set it to a certain value to create a certain ammount of Gross Profit. I want to have this as a 'button' or macro, I have now made this:
Sub calculeer2()
' calculeer2 Macro
' Macro recorded 1/3/2013 by hoede00c
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "35%"
Range("D10").GoalSeek Goal:=0.35, ChangingCell:=Range("C10")
End Sub
As you can see it uses 35%, but I want to make this 35% into a cell, is this possible? Maybe with some extra way by copying the content of a certain cell and pasting it into the goalseek formula... :-)
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,