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PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

  1. #1
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    Exclamation PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!


    My name is Rebecca. I am attempting to organise my TV Shedule. I have googled and tried to find a good template but just couldnt not find one so i thought i would create one. I just dont know where to start with my formulars. So i was hoping someone could help me!

    Here is what i have.

    3 sheets.

    Sheet 1 - TV Schedule
    A pretty looking schedule that tells me what is on in this current week.
    This is a sheet with days Mon - Sun and some rows below it. I am missing the following:

    1) A formula that populates the latest week's dates under the days of the week with Monday starting the week. e.g. so if i open the spreadsheet on Wednesday it shows wednesdays date and the weeks monday date.

    2) in the rows below each day, i wanted the cells to look up the values in another sheet (called Episode Guide). When it looks up the range in the spreadsheet and sees an episode that is set for that day, it returns the shows, this is a concatenated field of the show title and episode number (e.g. Game of Thrones - S03E01)

    Sheet 2 - TV Season Guide
    This sheet is where the data is entered. List the title and the season, season start date and the number of episodes to the season (e.g. number of reoccurances). the point of this sheet is to say, Game of Thrones is going to be on 12 times starting on 14/07/2013 .. this means that in the Episode Guide sheet (sheet 3) it will know how many occcurances of dates to create.

    Sheet 3 - Episode Guide
    This is the difficult one! This one somehow (yes, somehow) looks up the season title, start date and number of occurances and creates a row for each episode. e.g. because game of thrones has 12 episodes to a season it would create 12 dates and they would be 7 days appart from 14/07/2013. that way, this spreadsheet becomes a list of every episode and the range for sheet one, which is the schedule.

    OK. That seems like a lot now that I have spelt it out but i have created the workbook and formatted it.. i just need to figure out all the formulas.

    I have attached what i have done so far (i hope thats ok and not unsafe). No laughing... i know its ambitious and probably cant be done but it would just make life SOOO much easier!

    Can anyone help????? Please

    2013 TV GUIDE.xlsx
    Last edited by rebeccapink; 01-01-2013 at 12:55 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!


    WeeklySchedulex, EpisodeGuidex contain a button each

    1. Insert in TV Season Guide the shows details
    2. Run Episodeguidex Button to generate the Episodes
    3. Enter in WeeklyShedulex b4 the any date of the week you want to schedule
    4. Run WeeklySchedulex button to populate the Schedule

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  3. #3
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Wow. Thats great, thank you soo much! I wish I knew how you did all of that! I can conceptualise and format (do that for work), but I cant build!

    Would you mind please if I asked you a quick question?

    If I was to manually change a date in the Episode Guide sheet and then added a new series (therefore requiring me to press the fancy Generate Episodes button, would those changes be overridden because I refreshed the list?
    (e.g. if i update the last 4 episode air dates because there was a change to the schedule in the episode guide list and then added a new series, so pressed the generate button, would the override my changes?)
    Would there be a way of stopping that from happening? so only refreshing NEW additions to the list?

    Just a question, I am grateful and happy to live with things how they are because its sooo handy, thank you again!

  4. #4
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    How about this:

    You generate the episodes for a series once. (I'll flag the show not to re-generate)
    You can manually change the episode airing time and date


    You can make an exception list in another tab so the generator can reschedule it

    Episode code (eg. SxxExx) Airing time and date

    Attached please find a bug-free version of the original. The date input is now in Weekly Schedule
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    Last edited by rcm; 01-01-2013 at 10:54 AM. Reason: typo

  5. #5
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    It's like 2.15am here and I should be sleeping (or watching The League) but instead I am so engaged and excited by this!

    I think if there was a manual flag that said, do no re-generate dates for this 'series', a flag that you could turn on and off (e.g. if there was a change to the schedule you would update the date, then untick the flag so it would re-generate that would be like a little intelectual software program or something!!!!

    Seriously, i looked everywhere for something like this and i hope people are reading this thread and seeing your work (and my design and using this!!)

    What do you think?

  6. #6
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Well for that you'll need to flag the episode itself and flagged manually.

    I include the version that generates the show airing episodes only once (and flags the show details in TV Season Guide). You can then manually change the airing times for specific episodes and add more shows to generate without changing those new airing times. I tried that by adding the Honeymooners and worked.

    If you want to reschedule the show completely, just clear the show cell in column F.
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  7. #7
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Disregard that last sentence, It can be done but needs more coding

  8. #8
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!


    On the Episode Guide, which is to be generated from the Season Guide, from where are you getting the Episode Number prefix, e.g. SO6E?
    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  9. #9
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    You dont know how in love with this spreadsheet I am... I am so grateful!!

    the only thing is, the spreadsheet used to refresh the schedule based on the current date (todays date), its not doing that anymore.. i have to manually type in the date..

    I have attached my edited version.. have I dont something to it... ooopppss i am so sorryCopy of 2013 TV GUIDE-1.xlsm

  10. #10
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Hi Richard,

    The prefix for the episode number comes from a concatenation of two fields

    S<Season Number>E<EpisodeNumber>

    episode number is based on the occurance number, from the number of episodes to a season in the tv season guide.

    Well thats at least how i saw it occuring.. rcm is the master of this maybe i am wrong.
    Last edited by rebeccapink; 01-01-2013 at 12:03 PM.

  11. #11
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Hi Rebecca,

    Happy New Year.

    I've set up your requirements in the attached file. It's all done by formulae, so it will automatically adjust if you make changes. You may need to copy some of the formulae further down the sheets as you add more data to the file.

    Starting with the Season Guide, I've added this formula to H4:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    and then copied down to row 25 (the hyphens help to show this). You may need to copy this down further if you add more data, but it doesn't matter how far you copy it to.

    I've also added a new column E to this sheet to enable you to identify series which may be showing on a daily basis, eg. you may have some mini-series which is shown on consecutive nights one week, so you can use "D" in this column to indicate this - you don't need to put "W" for weekly showings as this is assumed to be the default. You can see that I've put some test data in this sheet as none of your examples gave rise to showings this week.

    In the Episode Guide sheet I've made use of two helper columns in F and G, and there are also formulae in columns A to D. I've copied these down to row 100, but, as before, you can copy these further if you need to, but there would be no problem if you copied them down to say row 5000 for future expansion.

    I've added a few extra facilities to the Weekly Schedule sheet. All the dates can be seen on row 4, with today's date being highlighted. I've also allowed you to enter a date into cell I4 (the yellow cell), so that you could examine next week's schedule if you wish (or any future schedule - just enter a Monday date). If you leave I4 blank then you will see this week's events. All the scheduled showings for the chosen week will appear automatically.

    Hope this helps - happy viewing.

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  12. #12
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Richard, post #10 is right

  13. #13
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    I left the date to be inputted manually but just type in Weekly... b2 =today() and it will render the current date

  14. #14
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Hi Pete,

    Thats a really neat, clean solution. Thank you.

    I was thinking of distributing this spreadsheet and this version wouldnt require large instructions.

    My only question is, you will have noticed that RCM came up with a way of not regenerating the data so that, if you wanted to manually change a date, e.g. there is a public holiday and for some reason the schedule is out by two weeks (happens yearly with GOT) you can manually go in and edit the dates of the episode list. I didnt think that would occur often, but alas, it does. Your solution is a little different to that RCM.

    Would there be a way to achieve this manual change with your fix?

  15. #15
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Quote Originally Posted by rcm View Post
    I left the date to be inputted manually but just type in Weekly... b2 =today() and it will render the current date

    Ahhhh... that makes sense! I get it now. I dont know why i didnt remember that formula.

    Did you see the work that Pete did? Thats quite streamlined and hidden (you can hide those columns that the user doesnt need to see).

    I am so exceptionally grateful for everyones help (especially your help)! 3.25am and i am still wide awake with excitement and madly entering data into a blank spreadsheet ready to be copied

  16. #16
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccapink View Post
    ... so that, if you wanted to manually change a date, e.g. there is a public holiday and for some reason the schedule is out by two weeks (happens yearly with GOT) you can manually go in and edit the dates of the episode list. I didnt think that would occur often, but alas, it does. Your solution is a little different to that RCM.

    Would there be a way to achieve this manual change with your fix?
    Suppose the 4th episode of Red Widow scheduled for 31st Jan gets postponed, so that it is shown on 7th Feb instead. All you need to do is to manually amend that date to 7th Feb, and then the other dates will automatically adjust to a week later. It might be that the 12th episode is also re-scheduled, so again this date can be changed.

    Hope this helps.


  17. #17
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Thanks to RCM and Pete_UK for their solutions! I love love love them!

    I hope that others are able to use these spreadsheets! If you use them, post and let us know if you like them!

    While I am very grateful for RCM's solution, I am going with Pete's, its a wonderful, clean fix and compliments my set up well. Thanks guys!! YOU ROCK and I added to all your reputations!!!

  18. #18
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Glad to be able to help, Rebecca - thanks for the feedback and for the Rep points.

    Time for you to get some sleep, now, I think !!


  19. #19
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    Re: PLEASE HELP! Finding the right formulas to create the perfect TV Guide!

    Hi one always learns.

    Here a BUTTONLESS Version of the sheet Just add the shows, and change the date,

    Glad I could help even if you don't use it
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