Hi Rebecca,
Happy New Year.
I've set up your requirements in the attached file. It's all done by formulae, so it will automatically adjust if you make changes. You may need to copy some of the formulae further down the sheets as you add more data to the file.
Starting with the Season Guide, I've added this formula to H4:
and then copied down to row 25 (the hyphens help to show this). You may need to copy this down further if you add more data, but it doesn't matter how far you copy it to.
I've also added a new column E to this sheet to enable you to identify series which may be showing on a daily basis, eg. you may have some mini-series which is shown on consecutive nights one week, so you can use "D" in this column to indicate this - you don't need to put "W" for weekly showings as this is assumed to be the default. You can see that I've put some test data in this sheet as none of your examples gave rise to showings this week.
In the Episode Guide sheet I've made use of two helper columns in F and G, and there are also formulae in columns A to D. I've copied these down to row 100, but, as before, you can copy these further if you need to, but there would be no problem if you copied them down to say row 5000 for future expansion.
I've added a few extra facilities to the Weekly Schedule sheet. All the dates can be seen on row 4, with today's date being highlighted. I've also allowed you to enter a date into cell I4 (the yellow cell), so that you could examine next week's schedule if you wish (or any future schedule - just enter a Monday date). If you leave I4 blank then you will see this week's events. All the scheduled showings for the chosen week will appear automatically.
Hope this helps - happy viewing.