Hi Folks,
I already know you can't specify an array in the Icon area in conditional formatting. I'd like the arrow indicators with the data values and not in a separate column (which is pretty easy). The purpose is I have atleast 6 different columns worth of data I'd like a up down comparison and creating 6 different columns just for the indicators defeats the purpose of having a summary table.
Array = (B2:C11)
Task = compare values across columns in same row (e.g. C2 with B2)
Requirement = Arrow indicators in column C with the data values
I've included the ideal output in cell ref C2 in attached example
I've trawled the forums and found solutions that require creating a separate column (and VB macros). Any possible way this can be done without macros?
PS - First time I'm posting on any excel forum so please excuse the verbosity
kind regards, Dims