Hello folks,
I have come to the limit of my Excel knowledge.
Here is my table and the file to this:
I have a list with categories and subcategories.
Unfortunately some subcategories have the same name, even when they have different ParentCategories.n haben.
f.e. Software -> Zubehör (Extras), Server -> Zubehör (Extras).
Here I have a list (Column 4 and 5) and in the left column (Column 4) are the Parent Categories and in the right column (column5) are the Subcategories.
Now I want to assign at every subcategory the right categories ID from column 3. But because some subcategories have the same name, slookup doesn't work as I want it to work, because it shows always the ID with the same name.
Is there any way to solve this problem (automatic assignment of the ID to subcategories with same name) in Excel?
The solution to this problem is very important to me, therefore I appreciate any possible solution.
Kind regards,
Edit1: Put the Excel-File under the image