
Being a beginner with excel, I am no fan of VBA coz I can hardly get there.... hence I try to use simple formulas that I get from the F1 and link my files.

I have multiple sheets where I created a dashboard on the first sheet and the sheets reflects the count from the multiple sheets in the same workbook as per my requirement. It is as simple as ='Sheet4'!J3.

Now what I have done is made a New File "Dashboards" and renamed the sheets to the file name from which I want the data.

Simply added VLOOKUP and I got the data... as easy as that. (know it was a longer way though) but it still worked as I wanted.

Now all of sudden VLOOKUP is not responding!!! not sure why?? I'll have to redo all the formula's

All these files & the Dashboard file is on the domain server and used by my colleagues as well hence they are shared ... is that the reason the Vlookup was working yesterday & today it just stopped ...

I have heard that there are ways to merge excel data from several files to one without the VBA.. is that true?

Can any one suggest how do I get this result achieved and if VBA is the only thing than can anyone please guide how to do it.

Any help will be appreciated.