Trying to make a "dashboard" type of page and have an input on the first page for the day of the month. ie.. if it says "12" all the data on the page autofills for the 12th...of the month. I want to include a line graph that changes with the data.
Is it possible to set my pivot data source as a formula, I tried to enter the headers followed by a comma and then the data set formula:
'data tab'!$DJ$1:$FA$1,(INDIRECT("'data tab!DJ"&$D$1):INDIRECT('data tab'!FA"&$D$2))
D1 is the start row (12th day * 24 (hours) +1 (header))
D2 is the end row of data - (D1 + 24)
I hope that makes sense...
If not is there an easy way to change the date in one cell and have that filter into the pivot??