
I am trying to match 2 columns in my data worksheet from a list of items from a different worksheet. I need the size and material to match up equally in one row from 2 columns of data on a separate worksheet to get the correct price from the last column. If I place all the data on one worksheet the INDEX function works like a charm. But unfortunately, all of my data is on a separate worksheet. When I try to use the same formula with a separate worksheet, it doesn't work. Here are the formulas I was trying to use:

If all the data is on the same page the following formula pulls the answer I need:


But I want to pull this same data from a separate worksheet and when I plug it in that way I get #REF!.

=INDEX(D7:D9,MATCH(F4,'Steel 2012'!B4:B281,0),MATCH(G4,'Steel 2012'!C4:C281,0))

Could it be that one column is numbers and the other has numbers & letters?

Help. :/