Good Morning,

I have done my best to search google for a answer but have come up with nothing that I can understand or use. Sorry I am pretty new...

Utilizing a userform, users enter a series of entries into sheet 2 to of our log, it is a long string of data and not very user friendly. So I am using sheet 1 as a "cover page" to transfer some of the data over to allow for users to review entries using this formula (F1), I am using this formula (F2) to add a unique number to every entry so we can provide this number to other staff, customers etc. as a reference.

(F1)=IF(Sheet2!B3 = ISBLANK(TRUE),"",Sheet2!B3)

What I require is for (F2) to contain a hyperlink that brings it back to the correct row on sheet 2 for users to review all the data if required, this hyperlink will also be useful as I have to create another sheet for "follow up" if required.

If I am missing any information that would help you to help me, please let me know.

Many Thanks !