My first task of finding text values in given lines was solved here:
So here I have an array of perhaps 20 columns and hundreds of lines; so now I have in the extreme right column a bunch of 111's that flag the lines I was searching for. So normally, I'd copy the column with the 111's, paste special as "values", then sort to have all the lines with 111's on the top. That works well because I always had plentiy of time to extract those results.
But because of needing that data quicker, I don't want to SORT the data as stated above, but have a "report" printed out below the array [not changing nor touching my array in any way] that will show only those lines that do in fact, have 111's in the right column; and that report does not need to be sorted necessarily, but would be nice to sort it by Col A, then Col B, and finally Col C [and I already know how to "sort", but would nice to have that already accomplished in my "report"]
[So perhaps you'll say this should go into "Macro" forum, ok, I will go there if directed].