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Auto Time Stamp

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  1. #1
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    Auto Time Stamp


    I am trying to type a Auto Time Stamp formula in a Cell and having problems.

    For Example:
    Cell E2: Location for Auto Time Stamp
    If C2 (Progress) is Done, set autodate and time into E2, if "Blank" or "In Progress". Leave Blank.

    I keep reading forums and I see macros not formulas, so I am getting confused.


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor dogberry's Avatar
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    Re: Auto Time Stamp


    Can you post a sample worksheet so we can see the layout etc dont post confidentail information

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    Click my star if I helped Thanks

  3. #3
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    Re: Auto Time Stamp

    Here you go. Thank you for help.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert dredwolf's Avatar
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    Re: Auto Time Stamp

    The reason you see macros and not formulas is because the time stamp will change every time the workbook/worksheet recalculates if you use formulas...the macros will change the cell contents and leave it alone, UNTIL you run the macro on that cell again...one way around the formula issue is to use the say NOW() or TODAY() functions, then copy> paste special >values back into the same cell, but that can become VERY tedious
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Auto Time Stamp

    In fact we can do this using formulas.

    In E2 and copy down.

    =IF(OR(C2="",C2="In Progress"),"",IF(AND(E2="",C2="Done"),NOW(),E2))

    This will gives a circular reference.


    1. Go to Tools  Options  Calculation Tab  Check the Iteration checkbox.
    Maximum iterations,Must be 1.Not 100!.
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