The same Berardi's that have the high end tailor shops in West Des Moines?? I know of them, I grew up out by Dale Moffit Reservoir in Greenbriar (a gated community) so my family rubbed elbows with the "Higher End Crowd",I was more interested in rubbing one out??
Was not Scotch, but my Uncle Jack and his buddy Jim Beam is who I rubbed elbows with and a few of their not so acceptable friends back in the day

The programs you mention sound a lot more user friendly and the excel sounds very labor intensive, but I also have to balance out my ability to do the labor Vs. a shoe string budget and not able to spend what operating capitol I have.
I know if get a good program it would streamline my operation in turn make me more money, but the moment I spend my operating capitol, I will need it for parts or guitars a vendor gives me a deal on and those you have to buy or you loose you "IN' with the vendor.
The programs you speak of, are they freeware by any chance?? or do they cost the big bucks??
My business started of as a hobby and a addiction to collect as many guitars and anyone on the face of the earth and now I do it to basically pay for my guitars I build and the ones I collect. If you want to make money doing this, your in the wrong business, but I have permanent income so this is just extra and a really fun job.

If you are looking for a great acoustic guitar and you don't want to invest a ton of money, I have many sources and I will make sure you get a smoker deal on what ever you want and it will be a quality guitar.

Your up north I see, I have some very good people up north that I deal with, and I will have no problem getting you a good deal and shipping should not be a issue, are you needing a full size 4/4 guitar?

So you think you can help me??

