First time post, and new to the forum. I'm not very good with formulas, and have been tasked with creating a spreadsheet filled with formulas (:
I work in a call center, and have an spreadsheet that I import data into daily to count calls taken, average talk time etc.
I've been tasked with taking 5 values from each agent (# of calls taken, Average talk time, Amount of time spent on breaks/lunches, missed calls, and call resolution %) and ranking the top 5 performers.
My initial thought was to put a weighted value next to each section, then rank the highest average. i.e. (on a scale: 1 being top performer and 5 being bottom performer) for 1-10calls taken, they would get a rank of 5, 11-20 calls rank of 4, 21-30... 31-40...., and 41-999 would get a rank of 1.
If I kept the same ranking 1-5 for all 5 sections, then I could take an average of the Top 5 Performers.
The problem is...I have no idea how to get started. Do I use a CountIF, or Value, or Ranking formula??
Any help would be appreciate!! Thank you!!