I have a really long formula and I'm really not very good with Excel so I'm not even sure I totally understand it, but it works! The INDEX MATCH function returns a name, but then I added the ISERROR IF function because I was getting a lot of error messages when the value the match function wanted to match wasn't available and I wanted the cells to stay blank rather than display the error. This is it:
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(Points!$A$5:Points!$A$43, MATCH(1, Points!$AX$5:Points!$AX$43,0)))," ",INDEX(Points!$A$5:Points!$A$43, MATCH(1, Points!$AX$5:Points!$AX$43,0)))
Is there anyway to shorten this? As you can see I've repeated the INDEX MATCH function twice, I'm sure there must eb a way to avoid doing this... If you need any extra info let me know
Thanks in advance