Hi, short version is, this doesn't work:
=HYPERLINK(OFFSET("#'Appendices II'!B" & MATCH(3,'Appendices II'!B:B,0),1,1,3,3),"bla bla bla")
Why not?
I use excel 2010 starter.
I'm linking to images/text boxes on an 'Appendices' sheet. I use hyperlink() and match() together. The following works well:
=HYPERLINK("#'Appendices II'!B" & MATCH(3,'Appendices II'!B:B,0),"bla bla bla")
I can also successfully combine hyperlink(offset()) but not all three; hyperlink(offset(match))). The reason i need offset is that sometimes the link takes me to say item 3, but item 3 is at the bottom of the screen showing only the top row of the image/text box. In other words item 2 will be slap bang in middle of screen grabbing the users attention. I want to select the range of cells relevant to the item to ensure the user is directed to the correct information. I need match because i use auto sort/filter and the standard hyperlink goes to a cell reference (i.e. A7) not the actual item (Item 4) which is moving around when sorted/filtered.
Any help on this would be great.
edit: by doesn't work i mean excel gives message; "The formula you typed contains an error".