A couple of things were wrong - Cell A5 actually contains a date (20th Nov 1932) and is formatted to show only the year, so you might think it contains the number 32 but it really contains the number 12013 (which is the serial number for that date - the number of elapsed days since the reference of 1st Jan 1900), and so it was returning the values for 70+ from your table. So to correct this, you need to format that cell as General or Number with 0 dp, and then put the number 32 in it. You might also like to apply Data Validation to it so that you can only input numbers in a reasonable range.

The second problem is that you have defined the named range Age_table to include the header row, so you should change this to refer to 'Table 2-2'!$A$4:$E$14 using Name Manager.

Hope this helps.
