Hi everyone!!!
I would like some help with trying to extract certain different texts from from 1000's of columns of stringtext of file names.
Can you help with the following?
I need to extract certain text such as VGE from the following but its also is other text such as VFIRLE and VFIE into another column.
How would I do this? I cannot do LEFT or MID or RIGHT as it could be anywhere in the cell??
I have tried looking and using different formulas but keep getting an error. This is really making me go crazy!!!
All help is very very appreciated ;-)
File Name Example of what I would like to see
CustomersForOpCo_VGE_20120701000000_431461465201210010006.csv would like to see VGE VGE
SimsForOpCo_VFIE_20120430235959_541540598201209280004.csv would like to see VFIE VFIE
CDAAZVFIRLEC00013.Check would like to see VFIRLE VFIRLE
EventUsageForOpCo_VGE_20121019020001_10101155.csv would like to see VGE VGE
ApiUsageForOpCo_VGE_20121019020001_10101155.csv would like to see VGE VGE
PacketDataUsageForOpCo_VGE_20121019020001_10101155.csv would like to see VGE VGE
SimsForOpCo_VFIE_20121019011501_208.csv would like to see VFIE VGE
PacketDataUsageForOpCo_VFIE_20121019011501_208.csv would like to see VFIE VGE
SimsForOpCo_VFIE_20121019011501_208.csv would like to see VFIE VGE
PacketDataUsageForOpCo_VFIE_20121019011501_208.csv would like to see VFIE VGE
EventUsageForOpCo_VFIE_20121019011501_208.csv would like to see VFIE VGE