Unfortunately, Excel's native CONCATENATE() function doesn't work with arrays. This means that there is no way Excel can perform what you're asking for without the use of VBA or an add-in. I have created a UDF for this task which I named ConcatAll. The UDF code and instructions for how to use it are located here:
Attached is an example workbook based on the criteria you described.
Headers are in row 1 so actual data starts in row 2
Your provided sample data is in A2:C4 and there is additional sample data that goes down to row 10
In cell F1 is this formula that gets the number of unique values listed in column A:
In cell E4 and copied down to cell E8 is this formula that returns the unique list of values from column A:
In cell F4 and copied down is this array formula that uses the UDF ConcatAll in order to get the results you're looking for:
=IF(E4="","",ConcatAll(IF($A$2:$A$10=E4,$C$2:$C$10,"")," // "))
Note that array formulas must be entered with Ctrl+Shift+Enter and not just Enter. That's how the formula gets surrounded by the curly braces {}, do not try to add those manually.