I don't understand steps 6 and 7, except the charts. I'm not sure on the formulas.
Analyzing Cities for a New Factory for K&G Sport:
K&G Sport is planning to build a new factory in Ohio. The company has narrowed the site down to four possible cities. Each city has been graded on a 1 - to – 10 scale for four categories: the size of the local market, the quality of the labor pool, the local tax base, and the local operating expenses. Each of these four factors is given a weight with the most important factor given the highest weight. After the cities are analyzed, the scores for each factor will be multiplied by their weights, and then a total weighted score will be calculated.
Mr. Nowitizki needs your help to create New Factory Cities Analysis Report. You need to enter the weights and the scores for each city into an Excel workbook. He needs you to finish the workbook by inserting the formulas to calculate the weighted scores and the total overall score for each city. Following are each cites information weight and scales at January, 2012:
Factor Weight Fairlawn Medina North Canton Streetsboro
Market Size 40 % 5 4 6 5
Labor Pool 20 % 7 8 4 5
Local Taxes 20 % 4 6 5 6
Operating Costs 20 % 6 4 8 7
Complete following tasks:
1. Create the workbook Assignment 4 - New Factory on your disk (desktop).
2. Use the table information above as blueprint for the report.
3. Each worksheet should have header and footer.
4. Name sheet1, Documentation. Name sheet2, Cities Analysis.
5. On the Documentation sheet, design the cover page for the report. It should have title of company; short description of the report; insert clip arts, your name, date, class and section in the appropriate location on the sheet. Please format the date as “November 20, 2012” (not 11/20/12).
6. On the Cities Analysis sheet, calculate the weighted for each factor in each city.
Formula: weight * factor scale value.
7. Insert formulas to calculate the totals of the weighted scores for each of the four cities. The city with the highest weighted score should be formatted with font color red and bold (both the city name and its total weighted score). Create graph chart for each cities to show factor distribution. Use “Doughnut” as the chart type. Draw a “Location vs. Total Score” graph in this case and use “2D Pie” as the chart type.