Hello, I have a question about interpolation. My problem is this: I have some data from a geophysics survey in a simple xlsx sheet (Excel 2010). The survey data consists of type 1 data taken at stations of known locations (X and Y coordinates) along a line (flagged physically in the field), and type 2 data collected every 0.5 seconds by a surveyor walking between stations along this line. The type 1 data is only taken at stations, and these station locations are known (as they are flagged on the ground). My problem is applying X/Y coordinates to the type 2 data. The surveyors walk at a steady pace between stations, but due to differing terrain they may be faster or slower; thus there may be as little as 10 readings or as many as 30 readings between stations. Because they walk at a steady pace it can be assumed that the number of readings between stations is equally spaced between the stations. I need to apply X/Y coordinates to a set of type 2 data, and equally space it between two known X/Y stations.

Short version of the problem: Is there any way to interpolate a given number of equally spaced X/Y coordinates between two known X/Y coordinates in excel? I'm only aware of interpolation in excel being able to do one point at a time. Thanks!