Looking at your sheet, it looks like currently you are starting your data at week 46, then rolling through the year. I'm guessing that this changes to start at week 47, then 48, etc. as the weeks go by.
The SUM formula will actually work fine to go past week 52 to week 1 of the following year {in your workbook}, because it isn't looking at the week # for that calculation, it just finds the column of the week # you want to start at, and SUMs from that cell to however many weeks (columns) you entered as the variable. You would just have to make sure that you don't have a duplicated week # in the series of weeks (ex. starting at week 46 on the left, then having another week 46 at the far right end of the data, otherwise you'll have issues.
Regarding the conditional formatting, I'm sure there are options to have that work with rolling over years... I triedand it does work on the rollover, but it also highlights cells that don't need to be highlighted. For instance, if you wanted to start at week 42 and highlight 15 weeks, it would highlight weeks 42 to the end of the list, as well as the cells at the start of the entire list from the beginning of the year - which you wouldn't want. Those cells wouldn't be part of the SUM anyway.
There are usually a few different ways to accomplish the same task in Excel - and this Forum is a great place to learn them!
- Moo