Post #2 formulas are Array formulas. Need to confirm these using Control+Shift+Enter_Not just enter.
Also in I1.
=SUMIF(Sheet1!A5:A9,'Results Sheet'!H1,Sheet1!E5:E9)
Post #2 formulas are Array formulas. Need to confirm these using Control+Shift+Enter_Not just enter.
Also in I1.
=SUMIF(Sheet1!A5:A9,'Results Sheet'!H1,Sheet1!E5:E9)
-This is my Greek whisper to Europe.
--Remember, saying thanks only takes a second or two. Click the little star * below, to give some Rep if you think an answer deserves it.
Advanced Excel Techniques:
--KISS(Keep it simple Stupid)
--Bring them back.
---See about Acropolis of Athens.
--Visit Greece.
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