Hello. I have an excel document that I am using to gather information from 6 child documents. However, the data from the external excel documents does not update unless I have the respective child document open. Even if no changes have been made in either the master or child document, when I open the master document, all that is displayed is #VALUE! for any cell that is supposed to pull data from one of the child documents. Both documents are in the same shared folder on a network drive.

The formula I am using to pull this data is as follows:
=IF(COUNTIF('Z:\Folder\[Updates - NAME1.xlsx]Week 45'!$A:$A,"=2")=0,"",COUNTIF('Z:\Folder\[Updates - NAME1.xlsx]Week 45'!$A:$A,"=2"))

If there is any other information that would be helpful, please let me know and I can do my best to provide it.

