Attached is a modified version of your posted workbook.
The items in sheet 'Table 1' are now all the results of formulas.
In cell B2:
In cell B3 and copied down to B16 (note that B16 is blank becuase the table's data has been exhausted):
=IF(ROWS(B$1:B2)>COUNTA('Table 2'!$A$2:$E$5),"",IF(ROWS(B$1:B2)>SUMPRODUCT(SUBTOTAL(3,OFFSET('Table 2'!$2:$2,,,MATCH(B2,'Table 2'!$A:$A,0)-1))),INDEX('Table 2'!$A$2:$A$5,MATCH(0,INDEX(COUNTIF(B$1:B2,'Table 2'!$A$2:$A$5),),0)),B2))
In cell A2 and copied down:
=IF(B2="","",INDEX('Table 2'!$A$2:$E$5,MATCH(B2,'Table 2'!$A$2:$A$5,0),COUNTIF(B$2:B2,B2)))