Hi all

I am working on a project involving a large sparepart catalogue. The dataset coantains a messy and alterning textfile in which a specific sparepart number is found.

The textfile is contained in a single cell and could look something like this:

"For T/C NA57 Serial no.1954 Spec. AD44 A4K326;Maker: Mitsui Engineering;1 stk. Clamping Sleeve 596.092 (3C-03049);Indk.pris Eur/stk xxx,xx -25% lev 2 uger ( ref: A 450168 D )"


GASKET 517.085 for T/C NA48S SERIES: 1184536;PLANT INFO SIGER:;TURBOCHARGER TYPE NA48/SO1053.;Pris euro/stk xxx,xx -25% lev.tid 2 uger fra ordre;( A443765 B)

The number i want to extract/copy from the cell to an adjacent cell is the 5xx.xxx number from the lines. That way i wold be able to identify and search the whole catalogue using that unique number.

Is this possible?
I have encountered lots of trouble trying to employ my limited excel skills on the problem using the =mid, =left and =len functions.
The problem is that the number 5 for instance would appear in the cell before Excel hits the 5xx.xxx i want to find, and then copy that number to an adjacent cell.

Can you guys help? Either by formulas or VBA?

Thanks alot