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Calculating age from birthdate to today for people less than one year old.

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    Calculating age from birthdate to today for people less than one year old.

    I am trying to calculate a person's age as a whole number.

    Here is the formula that I am using: =IF(C4="","",(INT(($B$2-$C4)/365.25))) in C5 with B2 as today's date with the formula =TODAY() and C4 as the cell to input the date of birth.

    The IF formula is to ensure that the cells in the C column are blank until a date of birth is entered. This works perfectly with all ages except for babies who are less than 1 year old. For exapmle: The interger formula returns an age of 59 for a person who will be turning 60 tomorrow. This is perfect; however, the cell appears blank for anyone under the age of 1.

    Ultimately I would like to have the date of birth for someone who is 7 months old to return a value of "7 months." If this is not possible I would settle for .7 or even 7\12 but not .5833.

    I don't mind scrapping my current formulas as long as column C remains blank until a date of birth has been entered and as long as the calculated age is not rounded up.

    Please help. This is way beyond me.
    Last edited by HeathHarlan; 10-31-2012 at 02:57 PM.

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