Hi Guru's
I'm working on a file that contains a Membership List, Volunteer List, and individual monthly attendance sheets, all as tabbed worksheets.
The attendance sheet column 1 contains various activities grouped together (such as After School Club or Saturday Club). The column is prefilled with 10 - 50 entries based on our historical attendance figure (allowing for some growth). ie col 1 rows 3 - 49 = After School Club and col 1 rows 50 - 60 = After School Club Volunteers and so on.
Column 2 row 2 thru column AF row 2 (column headers) shows each day of the month (see screenshot attached) Attendance.jpg
From Col 2 to Col AF and rows 3 downwards names are selected from a validation list obtained from the Name column in the Membership (or Volunteer) tab. (see attached) membership.jpg
Now, I have managed to automatically update the total number of attendances per member (col S, Membership tab) over the course of the year using the
including all additional monthly worksheets but I also want to show the last date each member attended in the next column (col T, Membership tab).
Any ideas how I can get the last date each member attended any one of our activities or am I barking mad? Hope I've explained it sufficiently
Thanks, Mark