Hi all,

Hope someone can help. I've been trying to figure this out on my own but have failed. Any help will be appreciated.

Here is the issue, have a formula that works fine when summing up one column. However, I can't do it when I want to add additional columns to be included in the calculation. Here is an example of the formula used: =SUM(SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,1,B:B,"A560",C:C,"*BA*",H:H,2012,I:I,9)). It is summing up column D based on criteria from other columns. However, I would like to change the formula to sum not only column D but also E, F, G and keep criteria the same. The result would then include the last row of data and the new sum would be 2000. How do I sum up columns D thru F based on several criteria. Thanks in advance to all. -Michael