No worries!
You should also work through your entire sheet and make sure all formulas are correct, i have found mulitple errors with the formulas entered.
For example,
C3 reads - C11:C302, C4 reads - C11:C301, C6 reads - C12:C303.
E12 contains a seriously long formula, that in all fairness is out of my league, BUT it contains a static range (signified by the $ sign) and is looking at C12:C96, for a start, you have data inside cell C97, and the range goes as far down as C301
The same can be said for F12, that contains a static range (again signified by the $ sign) and is only looking at B12:C96, yet the range goes down as far as C301.

I have a smaple of your sheet on my desktop and am looking at sorting it for you, but its worth you knowing the issues found so far