Hi all
I'm trying to find the row that satisfies a MIN IF function. I've been able to get the MIN IF to work using Excel functions. The problem is, I can't figure out how to output the exact row that satisfies the MIN IF, everything I've previously tried can only get it to output the first row it comes across that has the same value as the min value. As many of the min values are exactly the same, this is a problem. The reason I need the row numbers is that I need to perform calculations also involving other values in the rows that satisfy the MIN IF, but I have no way to call them in the INDEX function if I can't record the corresponding row numbers.
My MIN IF code is like this: =MIN(IF((Data!$A$2:$A$4154=A2)*(Data!$E$2:$E$4154=B2),Data!$C$2:$C$4154).
Thanks in advance for your help.