I can't seem to get this formula to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

=IF($B8="","", IF(5886+Formulas!$E8>5895, "No Data", IF(AND(5886+Formulas!$E8<=5895, RCHGetElement($B8,5886+Formulas!$E8=0) ),"0.001", IF(AND(5886+Formulas!$E8<=5895, RCHGetElement($B8,5886+Formulas!$E8<>0) ),RCHGetElementNumber($B8,5886+Formulas!$E8)))))
In words, I'd like to say:
If $B8 is blank then leave this cell blank.
If 5886+Formulas!$E8 is greater than 5895 then put "No Data" in the cell.

If 5886 + Formulas!$E8 is less than or equal to 5895 AND RCHGetElement($B8,5886+Formulas!$E8=0) then the cell should equal "negative 0.001"

If 5886 + Formulas!$E8 is is less than or equal to 5895 AND RCHGetElement($B8,5886<>0) then the cell should equal RCHGetElement($B8,5886+Formulas!$E8)