Hi again all.
I was just wondering if it would be possible for me to attain a percentage on my spreadsheet.
first off, on a separate page, I have 149 questtionaires, each with 13 questions answered with: YES / NO / QUERY / N/A / NOT RETURNED
On a second page I have done a =countif formula that counts how many I have for each answer in each question, so for question 1 I have 91 YES's out of 149, etc, etc, etc.
What I want to know is, now I have made a second table would it be possible to say that I want the information that contrains the 91 from the cell described above, to be divided by the total of whatever number will be the total (of this second table) * 100.
so basically I have this
5 YES....=B2.................=C2
6 Total..=sum(b2:b3)......=sum(c2:c3)
How do I make B5 show the percentage of B2 / B6