I posted this earlier under the VBA/Macros Forum, but I'm wondering if what I'm looking for might be able to be done with formulas instead?
Hi all,
I'm trying to build a client meeting workbook. There will be a tab for every month finally ending at December 2013. I need the information that is entered in a prior month, to auto-fill in the next tab until the criteria is complete, whereby the information would cease to auto fill for the following months. Example: I enter a client's info and details and dates about meetings or attempts to contact. Sometimes the key dates (such as a reminder to contact them again) will overlap into the next month. Until the meeting has taken place or issue has been resolved, I need the data to continue to autofill on the next sheet until a "complete" checkmark or "X" has been designated, whereby the info stops there. I also need the carry over info to populate in the next sheet with no gaps between rows (i.e. if 3 entries carry-over, even from the bottom of the sheet, they would need to populate the first the entries of the next table.) Any ideas? I've uploaded a sample sheet (with comments) to get a better idea of what I'm looking for. All help is GREATLY appreciated.
Almost forgot... this was created in Excel 2011 (mac), but I am also able to finish this or re-create it in Excel 2010 (windows) if need be.