I am trying to create a formula to do the following. On sheet 1, I have a huge data table. One of the columns contains a "Group" drop down list where someone will specify A, B, or C. In the next column, it will specify a name. These are all unique values.

Name Group
Bob A
Jenny B
Vicky B
Joe C
Kelly A
Anne C

On a seperate sheet I need to list out who is all in which group dynamically (if the first sheet changes, which it will frequently, I need the next tab to update). The groups are across the top, and the Names need to list down. For example, the result would be:

Bob Jenny Anne
Kelly Vicky

I don't know how many names are going to be in each group, and they won't be listed one after the other. I tried variations of VLOOKUPs and MATCHES but nothing gets me the list I need.