I have a sheet of users who have made a 1st 2nd and 3rd choice for a number 1 to 60, each choice can only be assigned to one user. Each user is ranked in a separate table by 2 columns. In the first column the lowest number yields the highest rank, if there is a tie, then the second column must be taken into account and it is a percentage where higher is better.
I am trying to come up with a formula to take into account the rankings and then return the appropriate choice. So if a user picks 3 as their first choice and they are ranked the highest, then 3 is returned. Or if the user is not ranked the highest then their 2nd choice is calculated and if they are the highest ranking for it the 2nd choice is returned, failing over to the 3rd choice if need be.
Arrays are not my strong suit but I have tried a few different methods through various google adventures. I would imagine I need to get a array of matching 1st choice selections, then do the ranking calculation and return the value if highest ranked, or move to a new array for the second option.
I am currently just using a index function I found previously that lists the matches in separate cells, then vlookups the rankings and I visually assign the choice, but that is becoming quite tedious.
I am attaching a example spreadsheet, any help would be greatly appreciated.