Hello everybody ! My new job requires me to do some fairly complicated (at least for me) excel spreadsheet and decided to join this forum to learn a little bit more about Excel.
I am trying to make an if condition for a picture (ie, the picture will change depending on the product)
I am using the camera option, and if I write as a function on the picture =Sheet2!$A$1 it is returning me the picture of that cell (everything works so far)
But when I write Sheet2!$A$1 on cell Sheet1!$P$15 for exemple, and then write in the picture formula =INDIRECT(Sheet1!$P$15), it is giving me the following error:
The text you entered is not a valid reference or defined name.
I am using Excel 2010
Any idea to the problem will be greatly appreciated.
Max Otis
EDIT: I attached the Excel sheet Cut list.xlsx