I'm a relative beginner at Excel. I am working with some data and I need to sum the values in a column until the total is less than or equal to 10 million and then repeat the process throughout the column. For example, in the numbers below, the first 7 sum to 9,449,345. I would ideally like there to be some indication through highlighting or something that its as close to 10m as it can get and then repeat the formula. I have to do this for several thousand cells. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Column I
1 1,845
2 1,750,000
3 1,600,000
4 200,000
5 97,500
6 5,400,000
7 400,000
8 1,380,000
9 5,473
10 2,850,000
11 69,000
12 390,000