Hello. Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided. I've been searching and working with this all day.
I'm attempting to add the number of medications a technician fills per day over a 6 day period:
=SUMIF('Pharmacy Work Log'!C2:AB2,A3,'Pharmacy Work Log'!C3:AB3)+SUMIF('Pharmacy Work Log'!C2:AB2,A3,'Pharmacy Work Log'!C7:AB7)
'Pharmacy Work Log'!C2:AB2 - Refers to the initials of all of our technicians. A3 refers to the technicians initials for which I want to add their medications filled (on a different sheet of the same workbook).
'Pharmacy Work Log'!C7:AB7 - Refers to the number of medications filled.
For the first SUMIF formula in my function I get correct calculations. When I add (+) additional "sumIf", the calculations get thrown off. I am attempting to add from 6 non-consecutive rows: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23.
See attached for example:
Technician AB filled 804 medications for days 10/3 and 10/4. For some reason however the calcuation is retrieving 784 (sheet3)?
The function wizard doesn't indicate any error. This is driving me bananas!
Thanks very much, I really appreciate any insight.