Hi - thanks in advance for our help, I've searched everywhere!

Basically I need a cell to SUMIF to a different tab/sheet - I'm basically saying "If an invoice was dated 01/01/2012 to 31/01/2012 then add up those invoices' net value"

Here's a link to the file: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B9i...VNOZlMyMnp1Nnc (Couldn't get the uploader to work)

The selection I have highlighted in the 'P & L' tab is where we're looking, it then calls on the 'Purchase Ledger' and 'Sales Ledger' tabs to complete the fields - so eventually I'l be able to establish (not finished the doc yet) Profit and Loss by month.

Hope this is clear - thanks in advance!
