Hi All,
I am trying to hyperlink to .pdf files saved on my company's network drive. I have had success with the method of right-clicking the cell, selecting hyperlink, browsing to location of file, and editing the text to display. When I try to use the =hyperlink(file location, friendly name) function instead, excel either cant find specified file or a different error pops up stating that the file(my spreadsheet) is already in use and do you want to reopen and lose all unsaved work. It is the spreadsheet that is trying to open instead of the .pdf file. I have also had success with the =hyperlink function when linking to files on my hard drive instead of the networked drive. Attached is an example of the spreadsheet's format. If there is an easier way that I am not aware of, or if someone can help me out with the way I am trying, I would be greatly appreciative!TIA