This seems like it should be very simple but I have stared at the computer for 2 days trying to make it work and have gotten nowhere. Tried several modifications of examples out of the forum with no luck. Here is the arrangement

Column B - Contains multiple occurences of employees names - this info is collected from a database of project data so the column length will vary from 1 to infinity

Column T - Contains a dollar amount based on employees names from column B's contribution to a given project

On a 2nd sheet I have all of the employees names from the first sheet consolidated into a single list in column A.

All that I need is to count the number of occurences in column T where the value exceeds zero based on the employees name in column B. This number will be placed on the 2nd sheet where the employees name in column A matches the employees name from column B in the first sheet.

For example:

I have used SUMIF to total the occurences as shown below. But there doesn't seem to be an easy way to count the values that make up the total returned by the SUMIF formula

=SUMIF('Employee Incentive Data'!B:B,A4,'Employee Incentive Data'!T:T)

Your assistance is greatly appreciated

Thank you