I have a worksheet with 10000 + lines. Column A2:A10000 contains quote numbers. These can be duplicates. Column B contains the date in which the quote was entered. These can be duplicates. I need a formula that will count the number of unique quote numbers (column A) that fall within a date range (from column B). The desired date range is to be entered by other users in cells K2 (start) and L2 (end). So if there are 5 lines within the given date range that have the same quote number, it would count them as 1.

I have a pivot table in place that will do this, but I am designing an "executive summary" tab that the boss can use, as he is not adept at pivot tables. I need it so he can just enter the date range, and it spits out the numbers. I have the following formulas in place, but can't get the two to combine.

To count the number of lines in the given date range:

To count the number of uniqe quotes in the entire sheet: