Hi everyone

I'm stuck. I have about 28,000 data points, and two columns. In the first column, the cells contain unique identification numbers; in second column, each cell contains a text string with lots of different information. I've been trying (and failing) to isolate just one part of the text string.

The problem is that part of the text string I'm trying to isolate is not always in the same place in the text string. Frustratingly, this means the "text to columns" approach will not work.

Ideally, I would like to isolate the one part of the text string, and then copy it into yet another column. Any ideas?

Here's an example of what I'm working with:

10201007B W2 E2 SEC 35 23 23 160AC
10201007J SWSW SEC 35 23 23 40.00AC