I have a time off tracker that has individual days as headers in the columns, e.g., | 1/1/2 | 1/2/12 | 1/3/12 |, etc.
In the rows, I have employee names, e.g.:
Within the cells of the grid, I track different types of days off, like "V" for vacation, "S" for sick, "H" for holidays, etc.
In a cell at the top of the spreadsheet, I have today's date "=Today()"
What I would like to do is, for a given employee, count the number of V's between 1/1/12 and today's date in his particular line.
The MATCH function will certainly tell me how many columns over I have to include in the COUNTIF range, but I can't seem to combine MATCH into the COUNTIF function. Can I do this, or have you other suggestions?